Telling Them Apart, Manhunting, A Poem
This page is unique. There are four capitols compared to each other, and (I apologize for this) a poem is used for the association. All four buildings are red with white trim, which is unusual as capitols go but confusing when you try to distinguish them. The domes, cupolas, and cupola towers are the features I use to distinguish them, so those are the parts the association poem refers to. Oh, and the states are placed in the poem and on this page in alphabetical order to help keep them arranged neatly in my mind. Here is the poem: |
Hunting for menfolk in white and in red,
Delicate Della wants someone to wed,
Muscular Mary, a boyfriend instead,
The Boss was near with gold on his head,
And Quicksilver Carson? "Too far," they both said.
Look out, Boston!
Delaware – Delicate Della |
The Design Delaware is very proud of being the "First State," which they are because they were the first to ratify the Constitution of the United States. One would expect the first state to have a very old capitol building, so when you look at the Delaware capitol, it is not surprising to see a Georgian Revival design without the dome that so many newer states included in theirs. It is surprising, however, to then learn this capitol was built in 1932. Delaware is also proud of the style of their capital city, so they made their new Legislative Hall fit right in.
Legislative Hall In many states, the building where the state legislature meets is called the state capitol, and in several states, that building is called the State House. In Delaware, their state capitol is known as Legislative Hall. Since all three mean the same thing, the difference is likely a result of custom.
An Association Just make "Delicate" part of a nickname; Delicate Della for Delicate Della - ware.
Delaware's Line in "Manhunting"
Delicate Della wants someone to wed,
Delicate Della
This state capitol is constructed of red, handmade brick with a white cupola tower and white trim. The tall, slender tower is delicate in appearance compared to the domes and cupolas of the other three red-and-white capitols on this page.
More on Delaware:
What's On Top, Cupola Towers
Favorites, Just Because
Favorites, Nature
Delaware Postcard & Image Gallery
Capital & Capitol History
Old & New Capitol Timeline
Telling Them Apart, Manhunting, A Poem
Maryland — Muscular Mary |
Muscular Mary
With a base width of 40 feet, the octagonal, wooden dome and cupola tower on this red brick, white trim capitol are massive compared to the Delaware tower. The tower gives the building a much more muscular look.
An Association
I used "muscular" to make a nickname; Muscular Mary for Muscular Mary - land.
State House Visitor Entrance image courtesy of the Department of Legislative Services
Two Fronts The Maryland capitol has two entrances on opposite sides of the building, both frequently pictured as the front. The tower doesn't appear as massive from the visitor entrance side pictured above since it is located much farther back.
The east entrance pictured at left is part of the original 1779 State House, and the west or visitor entrance above is part of the 1906 annex. Previous annexes from 1858 and 1886 were removed when the large, rectangular 1906 portion of the current building was constructed.
Maryland's Line in "Manhunting"
Muscular Mary, a boyfriend instead,
More on Maryland:
What's On Top, Cupola Towers
Maryland Postcard & Image Gallery
Capital & Capitol History
Old & New Capitol Timeline
| Telling Them Apart, Manhunting, A Poem
Massachusetts — The Boss |
image courtesy of Della M. Huff
The Full Picture The original, red brick portion of the Massachusetts state house is almost always the only part pictured. This is an unusual panoramic image of the whole front since it includes the white marble wing additions on both sides.
The Changes The appearance of this state house has changed many times. The dome went from wood-shingled, to copper, to gold, to gray, and back to gold; the red brick was painted white from 1825 to 1928; and those huge white wings were added in 1914.
image courtesy of Galen R. Frysinger
An Association One who wears a gold conquistador's helmet ought to be the boss. Boston is Massachusetts' capital. The Boss - ton, Massachusetts.
Massachusetts' Line in "Manhunting"
The Boss was near with gold on his head,
image courtesy of Galen R. Frysinger
The Helmet
This building is red brick with white trim and wings. Since this capitol is on a hill and most photographs are taken from below, the dome usually appears to be part of the peaked roof in front of it. This combination resembles a conquistador's helmet, don't you agree?
Hernando Cortez, Spanish conqueror of the Aztec civilization by artist-historian George S Stuart
Photo by Mary Harrsch
through Creative Commons
More on Massachusetts:
What's On Top, Cupolas (on domes)
Favorites, Night Shots
Massachusetts Postcard & Image Gallery
Capital & Capitol History
Old & New Capitol Timeline
One more time, the poem: |
Hunting for menfolk in white and in red,
Delicate Della wants someone to wed,
Muscular Mary, a boyfriend instead,
The Boss was near with gold on his head,
And Quicksilver Carson? "Too far," they both said.
Look out, Boston!
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